Constitution of Cumbernauld Chess Club
(1) NAME: The name of the organisation shall be Cumbernauld Chess Club, hereafter referred to as the club.
(2) OBJECT: The object of the club shall be to foster and encourage the game of chess in Cumbernauld; in particular.
(a) To enter teams and individuals to compete in such tournaments and competitions as the club shall decide.
(b) To organise competitions between members of the Club.
(c) To improve the playing standards of club members.
(3) MEMBERSHIP: The membership of the club shall consist of individuals interested in the game of chess whose applications for membership have been approved by the committee. Acceptance of the annual subscription shall in itself constitute Committee approval.
(a) Members shall pay annual subscriptions at an amount determined by the club at its Annual General Meeting.
(b) Annual subscriptions shall become due to be paid on or before a prospective member’s fourth visit to the club and will entitle payer to membership of the Club from the date of receipt up to and including the Annual General Meeting next following.
(c) At the discretion of the Committee, members joining late in a Club year may pay a reduced subscription, the amount of such reduction shall be decided by the Committee.
(d) Subscriptions shall be non returnable.
(e) At the discretion of the Committee, a weekly charge for refreshments will be payable.
(a) The Committee shall conduct the affairs of the Club in accordance with the constitution. Any decision of the Committee may be overridden by the Club at a General Meeting.
(b) The Committee shall consist of:- (i) President, (ii) Secretary, (iii) Treasurer, (iv) Youth Captain and (v) Three other club members one of whom shall be a Junior member (under 17 years of age), all the foregoing Committee members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting; and (v) the Team Captains who shall be appointed by the Committee.
(c) The position of Secretary and Treasurer may be conjoined and held coterminously.
(d) The position of Team captain may be held coterminously with any of the other positions.
(e) Committee meetings may be convened for any purpose, only at the instigation of the President or the Secretary.
(f) Four Committee members shall constitute a quorum.
(g) The Chair at all Committee meetings shall be taken by the President or, in his absence, by a Deputy appointed, for that meeting only by the Committee.
(h) Each member of the Committee present, at a meeting, shall have one vote. In the event of a tie, the President, or his appointed Deputy, shall have an additional or casting vote.
(i) The Committee shall be authorised to disburse Club funds, on behalf of the Club, for any purpose it deems necessary.
(j) The Committee member shall have the power to co-opt a member to fill any casual vacancy which may arise, the co-opted member to serve for the remainder of his predecessors term
(k) Each Committee member will serve for a term of one year. One year in this context shall be the period from one Annual General meeting to the next.
(l) The committee is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Child protect Policy of the Club and carrying out the required training of members to ensure its application.
It is recommended that a sub committee be established to oversee the approval of applications for childcare positions and that this must include the Youth Captain.
(6) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held at the end of August or thereabouts each year, in order to:-
(i) Approve the minutes of the previous Annual General meeting and deal with any business arising there from;
(ii) Receive the Treasurer's report;
(iii) Elect the President, the Secretary, The treasurer and the three ordinary Committee members. (see Para 5b);
(iv) Fix the amount of the Annual Subscription; and,
(v) Transact any further business.
(7) SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING: A Special General Meeting shall be convened on a resolution of the Committee or on a requisition signed by at least 5 members of the Club, such requisition shall specify the business to be conducted and the Special Meeting shall be held within one calendar month from the date of receipt of the requisition by the Secretary.
(8) NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETINGS: At least 14 days notice shall be given, in the Cumbernauld News or by Display on the Club’s notice board, of all General Meetings of the Club. The notice shall specify the time, date and venue of the meeting and, for a Special General Meeting, the business to be conducted.
(9) AUDITORS: The Committee shall appoint 2 members of the Club to be Auditors each year, the members so appointed shall not be Committee members.
(10) INTERPRETATION OF CONSTITUTION: In the event of any disagreement as to the correct interpretation of this Constitution, the Committee shall make a ruling.
(11) AMMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION: The Constitution may be amended on a majority vote of the members present at any General Meeting of the Club.