Cumbernauld Chess Club
- We meet on Thursday evenings in Dullatur Golf Club, Glen Douglas Drive, Cumbernauld, G68 0DW at 7pm.
- We welcome players of all ages and skill levels.
- We have teams participating in various leagues including the Glasgow League, Central League, Dumbarton League and the Lanarkshire League.
- At 7pm on most Tuesdays during the school term our junior section meet. Please contact our Junior Captain for further information.
- Child Protection Policies - Cumbernauld Chess Club endeavors to do everything in our power to ensure that any child in our club participates in a safe and supportive environment. To enable this to happen we have instigated a policy on child protection. All our activity is covered by this policy and parents and members are required to make themselves familiar with them before using the club.
- If you decide to join the chess club our fees are £20 per annum (£10 concessions). Adult members will also be required to take out social membership of the golf club at £30 per annum. Of course as a social member you can arrange with other club members or guests to play chess at anytime during the normal clubhouse opening hours.
- If you would like to find out more about us then either come along and visit us any Thursday night or contact anyone listed on the contact page. You can also e-mail us using the address cumbernauldchess@gmail.com.