
Cumbernauld Chess Club is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. It recognises its responsibility to take all reasonable steps to promote safe practice and to protect children from harm, abuse and exploitation.  In this regard, full account is taken of legal requirements and the rules and procedures adopted by Chess Scotland.

We will endeavour to work together to encourage the maintenance and ongoing development of the long established ethos of the game of chess which embraces difference and diversity and respects the rights of children, young people and adults.

Cumbernauld Chess Club will:


Section 1: Introduction.

Whilst the primary function of Cumbernauld Chess Club is to foster and encourage the game of chess, it is important that this is carried out within an environment that regards the welfare of any child or vulnerable adult involved as its prime concern.  Cumbernauld Chess Club actively welcomes membership and regularly entertains visitors to its premises. 

The Club presently has several junior members in the age range 8 – 18 years.  They attend the Club regularly and receive training to improve performance; some participate in matches that may involve travel to other venues.  As a consequence the Club are bound by the legislation to determine the necessary procedures that will protect all children who attend the Club as members, guests or visitors.

It is the responsibility of all adults to ensure that children are cared for and protected and we expect all our members to participate in ensuring that this happens within Cumbernauld Chess Club. 

There are however several volunteer positions which may require an adult to be in charge of children.  These positions are Youth Captain and Youth Chaperone, and those undertaking these positions shall be known as designated members.  All members and parents will be offered the opportunity to become a designated member.

Notwithstanding the previous comments, no adult member should feel obligated to become a designated memberbut should realise that without being so they would not then be allowed to be in charge of children.

Cumbernauld Chess Club is committed to the right of children to be protected from harm, abuse and exploitation and to be involved in any decisions which directly affect them.  We believe our constitution and policies reflect this and will continue to explore ways in which this can be developed.

The members of the committee are responsible for developing and reviewing the Club’s Child Protection Policy Statement and Procedures and other care and protection policies and guidelines; these are kept under on-going review.

Cumbernauld Chess Club is committed to equal opportunities and believes that no one should be discriminated against on grounds of their race, colour, creed or sexual orientation.

Section 2: Procedures for appointment of adults as Designated Members.

Scottish law places certain legal obligations on organisations that appoint volunteers to “child care” positions (defined as ….. training, supervising or being in sole charge of people under 18 years of age).

This requires us to ensure that an individual recruited to a child care post is either a member of the PVG scheme or has a satisfactory, recent, Full Disclosure (as provided under the previous Child Protection procedures).

Cumbernauld Chess Club makes use of the Chess Scotland PVG compliance service for people wishing to become designated members and therefore has agreed to abide by the PVG policy documents of the aforementioned organisation.


Section 3: Procedures for responding to concerns about abuse/neglect.

All allegations of abuse / neglect should be taken seriously.  It is not our responsibility to investigate such allegations but rather to refer them on to the appropriate authorities e.g. social work / police. 

If you become concerned that a child is being abused/neglected by someone outwith the Club because they have alleged that they are being abused, or a third party informs you that they believe a child is being abused/neglected or you observe signs and indicators which could point to abuse/neglect you should immediately contact the President or Secretary and report the incident (use the attached form appendix B to record your information). The President or Secretary will forward the required information to the child protection authorities. Should you have any reservations about approaching either the President or Secretary you may instead contact the lead signatory for Chess Scotland as detailed on their compliance service information.

If you become concerned that a child is being harmed or abused by someone within the Cumbernauld Chess Club because (for example):

you should immediately contact the President or Secretary and report the incident; you should also complete an incident form (see Appendix B).  All such concerns will be reported to the Child protection authorities for further investigation.  If as a result of such investigations grounds for referral are met then Cumbernauld Chess Club will refer the individual concerned to the list.

If a parent has any concerns about a Cumbernauld Chess Club member, the organisation would appreciate if this concern could be passed on to it. Such information should be given to the President or Secretary. Similarly, other Cumbernauld Chess Club members have a duty to pass on any such concerns to these officials.

Any member who has an allegation of abuse to children made against him or her should inform the President (or Secretary). In some circumstances it may be advisable for the person to 'step down' whilst the allegations are being investigated. Under no circumstances will such an action be seen as admitting any guilt but should be seen as a way of distancing the Club from controversy.

Where an individual makes an allegation about historical abuse, this should be treated in a similar manner to the above with the incident being recorded on the incident form and contact made with the President or Secretary immediately.  As with all other allegations this information should be forwarded to the Child protection authorities for action.


Section 4: Referring a concern to the Child Protection Authorities

On receiving a report from a member of the club or from someone outside the club the President or Secretary should:


Section 5: Protection of workers who report care and protection concerns.

You should be aware that the law protects you from actions by those individuals who have been implicated in the abuse, harm and/or neglect of a child or young person AS LONG AS your report was not malicious or vexatious.  The best way of protecting yourself and the Club is by being aware of these procedures and carrying them out when faced with allegations of child abuse/neglect.

Section 6: Recommended Guidelines

In the event of the Club hosting visitors for any purpose, a designated member must be given charge of child members for the duration of the visit.

Parents are responsible for the transportation of their Children to and from Chess venues. In the event of a child being offered the opportunity to play in a match at a different venue the parent of that child will be asked to transport the child to and from the venue.  The sole responsibility of the team captain is to provide information about location and time to the child’s parent.

All members and parents of children must be given a copy of these policies and procedures.  New members must be given a copy of the policies and procedures together with an explanation of the background to the need for such procedures.  Members and parents of children should sign to acknowledge receipt of their copy of the policies and procedures

Where trips are organised that include children it is advisable to have adults of both sexes accompanying the party. However, before counting such people as adults for this purpose, regard should be given to the nature of the trip and the maturity of the young adult bearing in mind that Scottish law considers that an "adult" should be at least 18 years of age.

As children tend to be 'playful' on long journeys it is advisable to have an adult, other than the driver, on the minibus if this is the form of transport used.

Where an overnight stay is involved it is advisable to have adults of both sexes present. This is imperative when younger children are involved.

It is inadvisable that training be offered, particularly to younger children, on a one to one basis if this involves being alone with the child. Where training is taking place it is advisable to have a parent present. At the very least it should take place in a room which can be observed easily by others.
If you are waiting alone with a child who has to be collected by a responsible adult, it is advisable that this is done in a public place.

If taking children home, e.g. from a chess match, serious consideration should be given to arranging a pickup point for the party. If this cannot be done conveniently then consideration should be given to the order in which children are dropped off e.g. plan the route to minimise your time alone with a child; try to keep to busy roads; etc. Cumbernauld Chess Club reserves the right to ask parents/guardians to sign letters of consent indicating agreement to any envisaged transport etc arrangements.

Cumbernauld Chess Club recommends that any child with concerns should immediately speak to its accompanying adult or other responsible person. An alternative to informing parents would be to confide in a school teacher or contact an organisation such as Childline.

An adult to whom an allegation is made must act on the information given. This could mean seeking professional help from Social Services or the police. The adult should not keep the information to him/herself nor promise the child that such information will be restricted to the two of them.


Appendix A


Definition of Terms


A child is defined as anyone under 18 years of age.

Vulnerable Adults:

The term Vulnerable Adult refers to any person aged 16 or over whom for the time being:

Vulnerable Adults may be in need of health or social support services and may be unable to take care of himself/herself and to protect themselves from harm or exploitation.

A number of studies suggest that children and vulnerable adults are at increased risk of abuse. Various factors contribute to this such as stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, isolation and a powerlessness to protect themselves or adequately communicate that abuse has occurred.

Types of Abuse

It is generally accepted that there are four forms of abuse. However, in some cases negative discrimination and bullying can have severe and adverse effects on a child or vulnerable adult. Cumbernauld Chess Club is committed to protecting children and vulnerable adults from all forms of abuse.

Recognising child abuse is not easy and it is not a person’s responsibility to decide whether or not a child or vulnerable adult has been abused. It is a person’s responsibility to pass on any concerns and for the Police and/or Social Work Department to investigate.

The signs of abuse listed are not definitive or exhaustive. The list is designed to help Cumbernauld Chess Club members to be more alert to the signs of possible abuse.

Children and vulnerable adults may display some of the indicators at some time; the presence of one or more should not be taken as proof that abuse is occurring. Any of these signs or behaviours must be seen in the context of the child/vulnerable adult's whole situation and in combination with other information related to the child/vulnerable adult and his/her circumstances. There can also be overlap between different forms of abuse.

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional ill treatment of a child or vulnerable adult such as to cause severe and adverse effects on their emotional development. It may involve conveying that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person.

It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children or vulnerable adults. It may also involve causing a child or vulnerable adult to frequently feel frightened or in danger, or the corruption or exploitation of a child or vulnerable adult.

Emotional Abuse in Sport

This may include the persistent failure to show self-respect, build self-esteem and confidence by children or vulnerable adults that may be caused by:


Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child or vulnerable adult's basic physical and/or psychological needs. It may involve a parent or carer failing to provide adequate food, shelter, warmth, clothing and cleanliness. It may also include leaving a child home alone, exposure in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury or the failure to ensure that appropriate medical care or treatment is received.

Neglect in sport

This could include the lack of care, guidance, supervision or protection that may be caused by:

Neglect, as well as being the result of a deliberate act, can also be caused through the omission or the failure to act or protect.

Physical Abuse

Physical Abuse may involve the actual or attempted physical injury to a child or vulnerable adult including hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise harming them.

Physical Abuse may also be caused when a parent or carer feigns the symptoms of or deliberately causes ill health to a child whom they are looking after. This situation is described as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. A person may do this because they need or enjoy the attention they receive through having a sick child.

Physical abuse may also be a deliberate act, omission or failure to protect.

Physical Abuse in Sport

This may include bodily harm caused by lack of care, attention or knowledge that may be caused by:

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or vulnerable adult to take part in sexual activities whether or not they are aware of or consent to what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative or non-penetrative acts. This may include non-contact activities such as forcing children or vulnerable adults to look at or be involved in the production of pornographic material, to watch sexual activities or encouraging them to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.

Boys and girls can be sexually abused by males and/or females, including persons to whom they are not related and by other young people. This includes people from all walks of life.

Sexual Abuse in Sport

This could include contact and non-contact activities and may be caused by:

Not all children or vulnerable adults are able to tell that they have been sexually assaulted. Changes in their behaviour may be a signal that something has happened. It is important to note that there may be no physical or behavioural signs to suggest that a child or vulnerable adult has been sexually assaulted.

A child or vulnerable adult who is distressed may display some of the following physical, behavioural or medical signs that should alert you to a problem. It is the combination and frequency of these that may indicate sexual abuse. Always seek advice.

Negative Discrimination (including racism)

Children and vulnerable adults may experience harassment or negative discrimination because of their race or ethnic origin, socio-economic status, culture, age, disability, gender, sexuality or religious beliefs. Although not in itself a category of abuse, it may be necessary for the purposes of the Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy and Procedures, for negative discriminatory behaviour to be categorised as emotional abuse.


It is important to recognise that in some cases of abuse, it may not always be an adult abusing a young person or vulnerable adult. It can occur that the abuser may be a young person, for example in the case of bullying.


Appendix B



Referral Form for Suspicions or Allegations of Abuse of a Child or Vulnerable Adult


This form must be completed as soon as possible after receiving information that causes suspicion or an allegation of the abuse of a child or vulnerable adult. This must be passed to the Child and Vulnerable Adult Officer and the Social Work Department or the Police as soon as possible after completion. Do not delay by attempting to obtain information to complete all the details.

Note: Confidentiality must be maintained at all times. Information must only be shared on a need to know basis i.e. only if it will protect the child. Do not discuss this incident with anyone other than those who need to know.

Continue on a separate sheet of paper if required and attach securely to this form.

Details of person making report



Contact telephone number:


Details of Child/Vulnerable Adult


Date of Birth:



Contact telephone number:

Names and address of parents/guardian/carers:





Details of person about whom there is concern



Date of Birth:




Relationship to child/vulnerable adult:


If you are reporting this alleged incident on behalf of someone else, please provide details of that person:






Contact telephone number:

Date this person advised you of alleged incident:

Record here the information you were given from this person about the alleged incident:






Details of the alleged incident

Date of alleged incident:



Names and addresses of witnesses:




Describe in detail what happened:




Describe in detail visible injuries/bruises and concerning behaviour of the child/vulnerable adult, if any (use diagrams if this helps you to describe):





Was the child/vulnerable adult asked what happened: YES/NO


If yes, record exactly what the child said in their own words and any questions asked if the situation needed clarified:










Details of action taken

Detail what action, if any, has been taken following receipt of this information:





were the child/vulnerable adults parent's/carers contacted?






Details of external agencies contacted


Police station contacted:


Name and contact number:


Advice received:


Social Work Department

Social Work Dept:


Name and contact number:


Advice received:



Name of organisation:


Name and contact number:


Advice received:



Other information

Record any other information you have about this matter (it is important that all information is passed on even that which you think is not important or helpful).












Print name:






Where a referral has been made to the Police and Social Work Department a copy of this form must be sent to them as soon as possible.